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Abstract Art For Sale

Discover contemporary abstract art for sale in Rise Art’s online gallery. Shop today to find limited edition, original abstract art from some of the most exciting artists of the moment, spanning works that explore colour experimentation, geometric design and innovative conceptual ideas. Use our filters to refine your search or browse our full abstract art collection below.

Browse through thousands of abstract paintings, prints, drawings, photography and sculpture to find the perfect piece for your collection. You can also view the work of our abstract artists if you prefer to sort by artist name.


For up-and-coming abstract artists, we recommend award-winning artist Daniela Schweinsberg. Her work The Smell of Green highlights a sense of urgency, with its large scale creating a forceful impact with the viewer.

Lee Ellis’s portraits use surface and depth to depict the inner turmoil of his subjects; colourist Barbara Krupp’s works play boldly with form; Nick Malone explores the boundary between abstraction and realism, encouraging the eye to travel across an archeology of marks, words and textures.

British artist Damien Hirst has dominated the modern art scene for over thirty years and has created some of the most prominent pieces of abstract art in recent decades. The topics of life, death and one’s existence is continually explored in recurring motifs of skulls, sharks and spots. Lauren Baker offers artworks similar to Hirst’s.

Discover more Abstract artists here including our female abstract artists.


Abstract art is a modern art movement that originated in the 20th century. The genre can be defined as a style that is non-objective, non-figurative, non-representative and, ultimately, completely detached from realism. It is seen as one of the pioneering styles that has given birth to modern and contemporary art.

The origins of abstract art can be seen in the development of Post-Impressionism and the work of Paul Gaugin, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cezanne. After the First World War, European artists felt disillusioned with reality and its depiction in traditional art forms. This disapproval paved the way for radical artistic movements to develop new ideas about abstraction.

Find out more in our Guide To Abstract Art.

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    showing 10,772 pieces
    COLORTROVE NO. 001 by Stacey Warnix
    View in a room interior
    COLORTROVE NO. 001 by Stacey Warnix


    Paintings - 71x56 cm
    Many Arisings by Gocha Tsinadze
    View in a room interior
    Many Arisings by Gocha Tsinadze

    Many Arisings

    Paintings - 121x91 cm
    Red Buoy by Philip Vaughan
    View in a room interior
    Red Buoy by Philip Vaughan

    Red Buoy

    Drawings - 50x50 cm
    Blue Cypher Wave  by Gocha Tsinadze
    View in a room interior
    Blue Cypher Wave  by Gocha Tsinadze

    Blue Cypher Wave

    Paintings - 20x20 cm
    Odessa by Novi Lim
    View in a room interior
    Odessa by Novi Lim


    Paintings - 135x100 cm
    Pink accent by Evgeniya Zolotareva
    View in a room interior
    Pink accent by Evgeniya Zolotareva

    Pink accent

    Paintings - 100x80 cm
    The Drop by Matthew Farrar
    View in a room interior
    The Drop by Matthew Farrar

    The Drop

    Photography - 61x43 cm
    Montagne by Benjamin Receveur
    View in a room interior
    Montagne by Benjamin Receveur


    Paintings - 117x89 cm
    Entrelacée 7 by Nathalie Maquet
    View in a room interior
    Entrelacée 7 by Nathalie Maquet

    Entrelacée 7

    Paintings - 100x80 cm
    Compromise by Evgeniya Zolotareva
    View in a room interior
    Compromise by Evgeniya Zolotareva


    Paintings - 90x110 cm
    View in a room interior
    Belonging No.2 by Sara Richardson

    Belonging No.2

    Drawings - 48x38 cm
    View in a room interior
    Flavors of Lemonade 2 by Susanne Kirsch

    Flavors of Lemonade 2

    Paintings - 120x100 cm
    View in a room interior
    Erdos by Philip Vaughan


    Paintings - 76x61 cm
    View in a room interior
    Onwards by Claire Chandler


    Paintings - 50x50 cmRent for $75 /mo
    View in a room interior
    Noir et DIX 20 by Tanya Angelova

    Noir et DIX 20

    Prints - 80x80 cm
    View in a room interior
    Rome by Luis Esquivel


    Paintings - 145x147 cm
    View in a room interior
    Conciliabule by Susana Machado


    Paintings - 65x50 cm
    View in a room interior
    Le bonheur de vivre #9 by Kaloyan Ivanov

    Le bonheur de vivre #9

    Paintings - 46x46 cm
    View in a room interior
    Ouvrir 1 by Marina Vandra

    Ouvrir 1

    Paintings - 100x81 cm
    View in a room interior
    Suspension (we are not romantics) by Peter Roux

    Suspension (we are not romantics)

    Paintings - 122x183 cm
    View in a room interior
    Divided Sky by Gocha Tsinadze

    Divided Sky

    Paintings - 122x91 cm
    View in a room interior
    Boiling Bubbles Original by Ronald Hunter

    Boiling Bubbles Original

    Paintings - 120x80 cm
    View in a room interior
    Windows to Eden, Triptych by Olya Tereschuk

    Windows to Eden, Triptych

    Paintings - 125x198 cm
    View in a room interior
    Abracadabra by Philip Vaughan


    Paintings - 76x152 cm
    View in a room interior
    Mur d'eau 2 by Sophie Cantou

    Mur d'eau 2

    Paintings - 116x89 cm
    View in a room interior
    The Star by Jessica Matier

    The Star

    Paintings - 122x91 cm

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