Arnaud Lorieau's work develops over time in the form of serial sets. These, sources of new questions and therefore new stakes, allow him to evolve his practice.
Reality is always at the starting point of a series. But a reality, one could say, that escapes the first glance of the simple passerby, because of its small size or considered uninteresting by them: flower petals fallen on a sidewalk (series "Attraction"), stones and pebbles on which we walk (series "In/Out" or urban "cracks").
Also, the iPad has become a work tool prior to painting as a research notebook, upstream of the studio time. With it, Arnaud Lorieau accesses what he is looking for: the essence of form and space or it also allows him to evolve the stage of a work in progress.
The selected digital visuals for "making art" are projected onto a wall of the studio using a video projector, in order to define the format of each future work. In the end, it is on the canvas that the image is projected to "fix" the composition.
But as Arnaud Lorieau claims: "I am a painter, which means that the gesture related to the posture and the pictorial material takes precedence over the flatness of the image to reinterpret it and reach what belongs to sensation."