Federica Aiello Pini is a contemporary mixed-media artist based in Italy.
Among the layers of marks and shades, she inserts pieces pulled from her previous works, imagining the overlapping of different dimensions, universes, thoughts, and emotions.
An overlapping of times is what happens materially while she works and what we do every day with our memories: we observe them, manipulate them, and mix them with what our life is in the present.
For several years her paintings were exhibited at the Portuguese Embassy in Panama, the country where she lived, which with its lush forests and explosions of color influenced her work, as later did Portugal with the overwhelming energy of the ocean. Nature is for her an endless source of inspiration and stimulus to investigate reality and the connections hidden behind appearances: through the use of mixed media and collage, she tries to imagine the connections underlying reality, in an investigation that also involves human beings and their emotions.
Federica attained a BFA degree in painting from Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna, specialized in illustration in Florence, and was selected for a Masterclass in Visual Art and Design at the Venice Biennale.
2007 she was featured in the Saatchi Gallery Top 10 by Rebecca Wilson, co-director of Saatchi Gallery in London
2008 won the Italian national contestĀ Artefatta
2016 show at the Portuguese Embassy in Panama
2022 finalist of the Arteam Cup