Art 101

Discover what’s what and get the inside scoop on the contemporary art world with Art 101. Find out about different styles, approaches and artistic terms as our curatorial experts share their words of wisdom. Whether you’re wanting to understand various artistic terms or you would like to know about new and exciting artists working today, use Art Speak 101 to learn the ins and outs of contemporary art.

What to Expect with Art 101

Art 101 takes you through everything from the bare facts, to the names to look out for in contemporary art. Learn all about art speak with guides such as What is Tone in Art? and start your collecting journey with our piece on Commissioning Art. Whether you’re wanting to educate yourself on the art world, or simply on the lookout for exciting artists, use Art 101 as your compass through contemporary art.

Art 101 Must-Reads

Our Art 101 guides cover the big and the small, the specific and the overarching. Find out about the cathartic quality of art and creativity with our piece, What is Art Therapy and learn about the artists our curators have their eye on with Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary Artists. You can dig even deeper, and educate yourself on the goings on of minimalist art with Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary Minimalist Artists or explore American artists with Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary American Artists.

10 picks and tricks to a Parisian chic room

It has been said time and time again, but for good reason: there is a certain je ne sais quoi around the French style. But if we were to try and pin down what is it that distinguishes the French style, we would say that it is all about balance: romantic but not soppy, classic but not stuffy, luxe but not tacky. It’s also all about comfort and an air of effortlessness. Who wouldn’t want to emulate that in their home? Take a look at our 10 picks and 10 tricks for a Parisian style room!

Art Speak: Bauhaus

This week in Art Speak, we look at one of the most influential movements of the 20th century. It sought to unite art, design and industry, provide a universal aesthetic, and give good design to everyone: Bauhaus.

Art Speak: How to distinguish a linocut print

Art speak is confusing. Heading to a print fair or looking for a print online but can't figure out the difference between your silkscreens and your woodblocks? London-based print maker Lisa Takahashi explores the medium focusing on the lincocut print and we bring you 5 examples from Rise Art.

5 ways to ensure your abstract painting is sufficiently abstract

Gina Parr, attended Chelsea College of Art to study Set Design for Television, worked for the BBC as a Senior Production Designer working on projects from The Brit Awards to the 2006 World Cup. In 2007 she started to work full time as a painter and in 2010/11 whilst travelling in France and Asia she started, a now continuing series, photographing marks on walls and surfaces as her way of “painting” with her camera whilst on the move.

Top 5 Tips on How to Create the Perfect Photograph

Rather than taking a documentary approach, Soden breathes a sense of life into the scenes, hinting at narrative with studied compositions. Characteristically each image has a distinctly painterly aesthetic, side stepping the tendency that photography has for observational and distanced looking. Soden’s approach is lyrical and directs the viewer to explore the concepts of time and memory. Here are her Top 5 Tips to create the perfect photograph

Sophie Tappeiner Talks Black and White

As Les Recontres d'Arles loses its colour this year, we quiz our art insider Sophie Tappeiner, on the position of Black and White photography in today's climate, her favourite Black and White artists and ultimately whether she thinks the festival's theme is effective or not.

The Opposite of Good Art

By now most avid art watchers (and readers) are saturated with the New Year “best of” lists, but there’s one list that we haven’t seen yet – and that’s a list of bad art. Why is that?

Starting your collection: Ten easy steps

So you know you want put some art on your walls, but it's all a bit daunting and confusing. Do not fret - we've put together a basic guide to turn you into a connoisseur in no time!

The Age Old Question: Who decides what constitutes 'art?'

With a flurry of media controversy surrounding the Damien Hirst exhibition at the Tate Modern and the rejection by the Olympic Lottery Distributor of a commissioned work for London 2012, contemporary art again finds itself under the microscope.

Kenny Schachter: The Media & Damien Hirst

Kenny comments on how the newspapers applaud and hedge their bets when it comes to one of the most prolific painters

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