Eelco Maan

Eelco Maan
Eelco Mann's paintings possess a fascinating, mysterious quality which occupy a world of their own.
Eelco's compositions in colour can be compared to musical arrangements.
Eelco From forms harmoneous paintings from a tumultuous rhapsody of materials and techniques.

Eelco Maan's compositions in colour can be compared to musical arrangements. Strong contrasts are blended exemplary and with a superb sense of harmony into a unity of subtle variances. His paintings possess a fascinating, mysterious quality which occupy a world of their own, an indescribable world which by far transcends our rational existence. His story begins when words are superfluous.

Eelco Maan has been working as a visual artist since 1994. While his works are abstract, we recognise In them very real imagery - sunlight dancing off water or bursting through mist, cloud formations and rich autumnal colours.

His work represents the lyrical abstract art tradition but with its own merit and a mystical undertone. His work has been displayed in galleries and Art fairs in The Netherlands, UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Japan since 1995, both as a solo exhibitor and in collaboration with other artists. His paintings are purchased by (private) collectors worldwide.

Eelco Maan Artworks

Gallery View

    All Art
    showing 1-16 of 43
    Myriad by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    Myriad by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 90x110 cm
    Passage by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    Passage by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 90x90 cm
    Poetic reflections by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    Poetic reflections by Eelco Maan
    Poetic reflections
    Paintings - 90x120 cm
    September by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    September by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 110x90 cm
    Afterglow by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    Afterglow by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 90x120 cm
    Gravity by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    Gravity by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 130x105 cm
    Steal away by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    Steal away by Eelco Maan
    Steal away
    Paintings - 90x120 cm
    Elation by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    Elation by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 100x100 cm
    Traveller by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    Traveller by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 120x180 cm
    The secret of Alchemy by Eelco Maan
    View in a room interior
    The secret of Alchemy by Eelco Maan
    The secret of Alchemy
    Paintings - 50x160 cm
    View in a room interior
    Lakeside by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 70x170 cm
    View in a room interior
    Transcendence by Eelco Maan
    Paintings - 120x120 cm
    View in a room interior
    Sweet fragile equilibrium by Eelco Maan
    Sweet fragile equilibrium
    Paintings - 110x130 cm
    View in a room interior
    Aux bout the la nuit I by Eelco Maan
    Aux bout the la nuit I
    Paintings - 80x80 cm
    View in a room interior
    The beckoning silence by Eelco Maan
    The beckoning silence
    Paintings - 120x120 cm
    View in a room interior
    Summer song by Eelco Maan
    Summer song
    Paintings - 100x110 cm

    Commission an artwork by Eelco Maan

    We can arrange and oversee the creation of a new work, made specifically for you.

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