Gustav Klimt

Blue Chip Artist

Gustav Klimt remains one of the most iconic artists of the Art Nouveau period. Klimt's artistic legacy endures through his recognizable style, his golden touch, and his emblematic artworks whether they are paintings or prints, which embody the fin de siècle aesthetic.


Born in 1862 in Baumgarten, near Vienna, Gustav Klimt was the second of seven children. Klimt had humble beginnings, but his exceptional artistic talent earned him early recognition. A complex man, marked by his commitment to artistic independence and his eccentric personality, Gustav Klimt emerged in a culturally vibrant Vienna at the end of the 19th century.

Gustav Klimt co-founded the Viennese Secession, a radical artistic movement that rejected academic conventions in favour of originality and innovation. Gustav Klimt's life was as fascinating as his artworks, marked by his eccentric personality and complex relationships with women, who often served as muses for his most famous artworks.


Gustav Klimt is famous for his bold use of gold. Works such as The Kiss (1808-09) and Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1903-07) feature surfaces covered in gold, creating a luxurious and mesmerizing atmosphere. This use of gold by Klimt was not merely decorative but rather a symbolic expression of the idea of transcendence and spirituality. This use of gold is also particularly significant to Gustav Klimt's art style, and has made Gustav Klimt's artworks iconic to the Art Nouveau period and the Viennese Secession movement.

The Kiss is Gustav Klimt's ode to love. A couple occupies the space invested with gold, both on the abstract background, on the flowery flowerbed and on the clothes of the two central figures. Gold in motion, a symbol of eternity, power and iconographic reference, invades the painting warmly, releasing a sense of luck and privilege.


Another striking aspect of Gustav Klimt's style lies in his erotic symbolism, exhibited in both his paintings and prints. Klimt's artworks explore sensuality provocatively, revealing intimate moments with striking delicacy. The Kiss embodies this erotic dimension, illustrating passionate love through a complex composition and decorative motifs.


Despite being known for his beautiful portraits, Gustav Klimt also created many famous landscape paintings and prints such as The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze(1909). It is no wonder Gustav Klimt represented nature in such a loving way, given the most famous photograph taken of Gustav Klimt portrays him with his cat he affectionately named Katze.

The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze (1909), like most of Gustav Klimt's artworks, has a deeper meaning, as it is, in many cultures, a symbol of wisdom and protection. The Tree of Life symbol is here represented with Klimt's signature gold colours.

You can also find many of his landscape prints on sale on our website such as Kirche am Wolfgangsee or Haus im Garden.


Gustav Klimt was also an exceptional portraitist, immortalizing the Viennese bourgeoisie of his time. His portraits of women, in particular, reveal his fascination with femininity and the complexity of human relationships. Adele Bloch-Bauer and other women of high society were Gustav Klimt's muses, inspiring artworks imbued with psychological depth and ethereal sensuality.

Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1903-07) and Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II (1912) are both inspired portraits of Adele Bloch-Bauer, a Viennese socialite, which have gained Gustav Klimt acclaim. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1903-07) became such an iconic portrait, it granted Adele Bloch-Bauer the nickname of "Woman in Gold" because of the beautiful gold colours used in the portrait.

Passing away in 1918 at the age of 55, Klimt leaves behind an immeasurable artistic legacy and an indelible impact on the history of Viennese art, notably with the Viennese Secession movement which he co-founded. Gustav Klimt's personal life was a complex tapestry woven with creativity, romantic intrigues, and artistic challenges.


Discover exceptional and original prints, paintings and artworks of Gustav Klimt for sale on Rise Art. It's the perfect opportunity to start a collection of one of Austria's greatest painters, a proud representation of symbolism.

Gustav Klimt Artworks

Gallery View

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    showing 1-16 of 16
    Brautzag (unvollendet) by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Brautzag (unvollendet) by Gustav Klimt
    Brautzag (unvollendet)
    Prints - 59x56 cm
    Sonnenblumen by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Sonnenblumen by Gustav Klimt
    Prints - 59x56 cm
    Der Tod und das Leben by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Der Tod und das Leben by Gustav Klimt
    Der Tod und das Leben
    Prints - 59x56 cm
    Die Freundinnen by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Die Freundinnen by Gustav Klimt
    Die Freundinnen
    Prints - 59x56 cm
    Bauerngarten mit Hühnern by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Bauerngarten mit Hühnern by Gustav Klimt
    Bauerngarten mit Hühnern
    Prints - 59x56 cm
    Mohnweise by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Mohnweise by Gustav Klimt
    Prints - 59x56 cm
    Haus im Garten. by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Haus im Garten. by Gustav Klimt
    Haus im Garten.
    Prints - 59x56 cm
    View in a room interior
    La Danseuse de Cabaret by Gustav Klimt
    La Danseuse de Cabaret
    Prints - 54x69 cm
    View in a room interior
    La fille aux yeux fermés, 1917 by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Bildnis Friederike Maria Beer by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Malcesine am Gardasee by Gustav Klimt
    Malcesine am Gardasee
    Prints - 56x59 cm
    View in a room interior
    Adam und Eva (unvollendet) by Gustav Klimt
    View in a room interior
    Kirche am Wolfgangsee by Gustav Klimt
    Kirche am Wolfgangsee
    Prints - 59x56 cm
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