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New & Noteworthy Artist

The works of Olivier Messas release a form of serenity to any test. We could see in there as distant reminders of the philosophies of Buddhism and Yoga. The artist leads us to well-being, a rest of the mind. Evasive and libertarian atmosphere Born in Vietnam, Olivier moved to France with his family to settle in Lyon, where he spent his childhood and adolescence. Beginning his professional life through learning and then the exercise of fashion styling in Paris, he will work there for ten years before launching, in June 2012, in pictorial creation. A self -taught artist, Olivier adapts his approach to that he has developed during his activity in the fashion and textile trades. Thus, the artist organizes all of his creation around the declination of a subject he reinterprets throughout a year. Towards saving lands Designed as small thematic collections, Olivier Messas' series approach the concepts of escape, atmospheres and memories of travel, mix and freedom of expression. The artist uses the application of a harmonious structural composition, enriched by the use of a nuanced and luminous chromatic palette. Olivier Messas currently lives between France and Germany. It is permanently exposed in many galleries in France and abroad.


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