Dominique de Gaudric

  • About

Dominique de Gaudric invites us to contemplation of precise moments. She freezes a scene, transcribes emotions, and even when the places are empty - as is the case for the uninhabited interiors that she sleeps on the web - there is still a feeling of rest. Paint the wealth of the world Of Belgian origin, Dominique de Gaudric lived in Spain, Canada and Côte d'Ivoire before establishing himself in France. It was certainly this rich and cosmopolitan youth that gave birth to her legate to observe the world and to portray all her variety. In adolescence, it begins to paint figurative landscapes without calling on a precise technique. Her professional life later took a turning point since she got her arms in the field of haute couture, a background that inspires her new atmospheres. After having stopped painting for years, she regained her first loves and continued courses at Fine Arts in Paris. Contemplate the inside from the outside The work of Dominique de Gaudric is moving towards a few favorite themes: large uninhabited interiors whose objects are the characters, landscapes mentioned by vigorous keys. Fascinated by color and light, she wishes to create paintings where her sensitivity can dialogue with that of the spectator. This artist gives free rein to her creative approach, sometimes from a photo, a model, from which she can move away without removing the original authenticity of her object.

Dominique de Gaudric Artworks

Gallery View

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    showing 1-16 of 27
    Le lavoir by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Le lavoir by Dominique de Gaudric
    Le lavoir
    Paintings - 40x60 cm
    Orage tropical by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Orage tropical by Dominique de Gaudric
    Orage tropical
    Paintings - 60x50 cm
    Gothique by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Gothique by Dominique de Gaudric
    Paintings - 70x55 cm
    Paris : le canal Saint-Martin en hiver by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Paris : le canal Saint-Martin en hiver by Dominique de Gaudric
    Deux citrons by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Deux citrons by Dominique de Gaudric
    Deux citrons
    Paintings - 50x70 cm
    Fleurs et fruits by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Fleurs et fruits by Dominique de Gaudric
    Fleurs et fruits
    Paintings - 65x46 cm
    Moulin à paris by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Moulin à paris by Dominique de Gaudric
    Moulin à paris
    Paintings - 54x65 cm
    Intérieur aux verres jaunes by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Intérieur aux verres jaunes by Dominique de Gaudric
    Intérieur aux verres jaunes
    Paintings - 88x65 cm
    Les deux poissons by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    Les deux poissons by Dominique de Gaudric
    Les deux poissons
    Paintings - 80x100 cm
    La maison mystérieuse by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    La maison mystérieuse by Dominique de Gaudric
    La maison mystérieuse
    Paintings - 80x80 cm
    View in a room interior
    Deux carafes by Dominique de Gaudric
    Deux carafes
    Paintings - 80x80 cm
    View in a room interior
    Les mandarines by Dominique de Gaudric
    Les mandarines
    Paintings - 80x60 cm
    View in a room interior
    Mer d'encre by Dominique de Gaudric
    Mer d'encre
    Paintings - 90x100 cm
    View in a room interior
    Marée basse by Dominique de Gaudric
    Marée basse
    Paintings - 80x80 cm
    View in a room interior
    La maison blanche et son reflet by Dominique de Gaudric
    View in a room interior
    L'écluse de la villette by Dominique de Gaudric
    L'écluse de la villette
    Paintings - 50x61 cm

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