
Paintings43.0 x 43.0 cm?
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Angela Smith

Angela Smith is a British painter known for her abstracted figurative works that explore the complexities and contractions of the human psyche. Working primarily in oils, gloss and enamel, Angela’s paintings are characterised by great pools of paint merged with marbling swirls, all sitting on fairly minimal backdrops. Angela’s paintings span from medium to small scale works of art, with the textural quality of each piece giving a tangible sense of depth to her art.

Angela Smith’s Process

The process-based nature of Angela’s art means that there is no intended or controlled outcome, instead Angela steers each painting by adding to it, and ultimately lets the painting create its own outcome. The only controlled element of Angela’s work is her creation of shape, which forms the figurative element to her art. Dense in places, the physical quality of Angela’s paintings bulge, ripple and wrinkle as they settle on the canvas. This layered appearance works to echo the psychological layerings of the human mind, particularly the protection of our own vulnerability.

Education and Exhibitions

Since graduating from the University of Brighton in 2008 with a degree in Fine Art Painting, Angela has quickly become established as a prominent portrait and figurative artist. Winning the Cass Art Award at the National Open Art Exhibition has led to a stream of solo exhibitions. From The Unsaid at New Greenham Arts to Surface Tension at Lacey Contemporary Gallery, to her most recent solo show, Precarious in 2018, Angela’s work is sought after by private and public collectors alike.

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