Figurative Artists

Discover Figurative Artists. Robert Owen Bloomfield offers a great example of contemporary figurative art. He creates Landscape Paintings using both acrylics and spray paints, with a muted colour palette that creates a moody atmosphere. Within these landscapes, you’ll often spot a small figure juxtaposed against the vastness of their surroundings, suggesting something about the human condition and our place within the nature that surrounds us.

If you’re keen to get your hands on some Figurative Sculpture for sale, then take a look at Italian artist Domenica de Ferranti. Domenica had a classical training at an atelier in Florence, and this education is clear to see in her sculpture. Her human figures are masterfully created, and there’s a nod to the classical sculptures of antiquity in the poses that she chooses to place them in. Central to her work is a fascination with humans and how they interact with one another.

For those more interested in Figurative Photography, Tomás Cambas is one to watch. This Argentinian artist shoots around his native Buenos Aires, capturing everyday scenes and the lives of its inhabitants. Each work is carefully composed and has an intimate quality in the way that it depicts the details of people’s lives and the forgotten corners of the city.

Emma Cownie is a British artist whose work follows in the tradition of American realist painters. Her Oil Paintings have a quiet and simplistic quality to them, showcasing the countryside and architecture that surrounds her in her daily life. We love the way in which she explores relationships between light and colour, as well as the sense of geometry that she imbues into every piece.

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    Featured Artists
    showing 346-360 of 775

    Isabelle Lebret

    B. 1964

    Sophie Iremonger

    B. 1983

    Aldo Cherres

    United States
    B. 1971

    Masa ZODROS

    B. 1960

    Lisa Carter Grist

    United Kingdom
    B. 1972

    Hervé Carriou

    B. 1957

    Christian Lucas

    B. 1966

    Philip Tyler

    United Kingdom
    B. 1964

    Cannibal Malabar


    Alice Roy

    B. 1978

    Richard Pike

    United Kingdom
    B. 1948

    Maria Magenta

    B. 1992

    Aude Billerot

    B. 1962

    Marion McConaghie

    United Kingdom
    B. 1969

    Yoshitomo Nara

    B. 1959

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