Yellow Smile



Paintings31.5 x 31.5 cm?
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Artwork physical size measured as height by width by depth. Artwork purchased with a frame will usually be 5cm (2.5in) longer in each dimension.

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More Works by Wile
Welcome to a world where good humor is a universal law, and where fines for bad moods do not exist – no need, no one can sulk here! You will discover characters as unique as they are endearing, drawn with a simple line but with undeniable talent for radiating joy. Imagine a universe where smiles are as contagious as a child's giggle… except that no one will judge you if you let out a slightly too loud one.

These funny figures, half-drawing, half-pure energy, have a clear mission: to pull you away from the seriousness of everyday life. No pompous speeches or moral lessons, just bright smiles and movements so full of life that you'd think they've swallowed a spring. Hopping, dancing, or twirling with sometimes awkward grace (we all have a friend like that), they are here to remind you that lightness is an art in itself.

And rest assured: even if they don't have the gift of gab, their humor is read in every gesture and in every curve of their drawing. So, step into this wacky world where joy is hand-drawn and where, I promise, no one will judge you if you start smiling all by yourself in front of your screen.
That's even the goal!
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