Le vent joyeux

Paintings73.0 x 100.0 cm?
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Brigitte Di Scala

Landscapes, still lifes and naked: these are the themes dear to Brigitte di Scala. Without prior photographic support, she invites us to dive into a dreamlike world which allows her to translate her emotions on a canvas and share them with the public.
His vocation: to be a painter
Born in 1959, the artist Brigitte Di Scala formed himself for a year in the workshop of the painter K. Rezvanian, then turned to the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg where she studied for 3 years. Today, she lives and works in Mundolsheim near Strasbourg. Being a painter for Brigitte di Scala was just obvious. Like all children she drew, with the difference she never stopped.
As she likes to remind you “At the start, yes, there is a third of talent, then a third of work, but above all a large third of love”. For thirty years now, she has exhibited her paintings in France as well as abroad, has won numerous awards and also benefits from a Drouot quotation.
In the impressionist manner
Brigitte di Scala draws her inspiration everywhere, essentially from nature, from her childhood memories, on the face of a person who has a story to tell her. The wild flowers that she tirelessly paints through a very personal style of impressionist inspiration, symbolize freedom and the joy of life.

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