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Patrick Brière

Norman Havre painter Patrick Briere begins to paint at 12 years old, gouache, oil and ink are then his tools. His hometown is a source of inspiration, he finds the Norman skies so much painted by the Impressionists. The discovery of the works of Van Gogh and Vlaminck will change its perception of the interpretation of the landscape. The drawing has always occupied his hobbies and since 2008 he devoted himself completely to painting. After practicing watercolor according to the teaching of Jean-Louis Morelle, he rediscovered, ten years ago, the oil under the aegis of Philippe Leroux. In Beaux Havre arts, he practices living model drawing. His painting is a colorful vision of the world around him. Color and light are an important part of the identity of its painting., In a permanent search for synthetic and colorful construction, a desire for transmission of emotions. Its path tends to go towards the simplification of the forms, towards the limits of abstraction, in an almost favored harmony of inspiration. He favors oil on large formats without abandoning the watercolor he uses for very spontaneous small formats. He also likes scenes of urban life, always colorful, evocations of a fleeting moment. In permanent search, his painting is not frozen. Harmony is a constant work base. The important thing is not the subject but the emotion transmitted by the artist. If it is mainly exposed in its region, it is internationally recognized.

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