
Paintings60.0 x 50.0 cm?
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Eva Gohier

It was during his studies at the School of Fine Arts in Mulhouse that the color turns out to be in Eva Gohier. Graduated in 1989, she teaches drawing, painting and plastic arts while continuing her job as a painter. Between figuration and abstraction, it translates an atmosphere, a climate, the essence of a subject, the latter being only a pretext for creation.
"I like that everything is not seized at first glance, I seek to arouse doubt on what really exists, thus making the picture living. For me, art is a language and I use it to Speaking on the philosophical, human and emotional level. In parallel, from my work as a painter, I organize courses and courses of oil painting and watercolor. Contact and exchange with participants oblige me to take more distance from the subject and nourish my vision of painting.
Landscapes of land and waters, chiaroscuro streets, everyday objects, supports pretext for the creation of shapes and colors. Declages as well as rigorous and very assertive geometries contrast with the extreme fluidity of the Blues, Greens, Ocher…. A total mastery of gesture and techniques to better release an overwhelming spontaneity. "

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