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Our Curated Collections

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Miriam Cahn: Ma Pensée Sérielle

Miriam Cahn, one of the world's most recognised contemporary artists, confronts the body in its materiality and engages with the socio-political concerns we often try to escape. Her vibrant yet haunting works, known for their chromatic and spatial dissonances, spread across drawing, photography, painting, film, and writing. Ma Pensée Sérielle at Palais de Tokyo offers up a range of richly illustrated and provocative imagery reflecting on systems of power, feminism, sexuality, and more. The exhibition is the first major retrospective devoted to Cahn and runs until 14th May 2023. In this collection, we bring together a selection of pieces that delve into the various experiences of body reality, like Cahn, bringing us face to face with the abject, vulnerability, and ugliness... Main image: Miriam Cahn, tapirschreiten/gezeichnet [Drawn], 2015, oil on canvas, 250 x 350 cm, Courtesy Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, © Photo: Helmut Kunde Banner Image: Miriam Cahn, meredith grey (gestern im TV gesehen), 2015. Oil on wood, 26 x 28 cm. Photo: Markus Tretter. © Miriam Cahn. Courtesy the artist, Meyer Riegger, Berlin/Karlsruhe and Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris.


Curated by Sophie Heatley

Projects: Ming Smith

‘You have to catch a moment that would never ever return again, and do it justice.’ This principle has guided Ming Smith's work since she started photographing New York and its people in the 1970s. Her black-and-white street photography encompasses political struggles, everyday minutiae and everything in between as it plays out on the streets of the city. To coincide with Projects: Ming Smith, an exhibition that dives into the artist's archive at New York's MoMa, running from 4 February to 29 May 2023, we have curated a selection of artworks that, in this context, fit with the spirit of her practice.

Phin Jennings

Curated by Phin Jennings

Fractal Art

The Fractal Art collection features a range of works that reflect the aesthetics of fractal and geometric arrangements. Bringing together digital works, prints and paintings, the Fractal Art collection was curated to showcase artists working with geometry, pattern, repetition and symmetry to form works of art. What is Fractal Art? Across the platform we have artists working in all kinds of styles, from realist and figruative, to abstract and colour field. Fractal art first came about during the 1980s and is a genre of digital art. A form of abstraction, Fractal art deals with mathematical arrangements and algorithms to form a patterned artwork. Looking for art with a patterned, symmetrical or geometric composition? Discover our collection of Pattern Art.


Curated by Cecile Martet

European Art

The European Art collection celebrates the artists, scenery, cultures and influences of Europe. From landscapes and botanical works to abstracts and expressionist pieces, the collection brings together art created throughout the continent. Browse the collection and discover a range of paintings, prints, photographs and more hand-selected by our team of curators, or discover our full roster of European artists here. Europe’s Art History Europe has long been the home of art history, spanning from Italian and Dutch art of the Renaissance to modern and contemporary art of recent times. Producing some of the world’s most influential artists including Picasso, Monet and van Gogh, as well as modern-day figures such as Hockney Europe is somewhat characterised by its rich culture and artistic history. Looking to discover our curator’s top picks for French art? Browse our collection.


Curated by Cecile Martet

French Art

Our collection of French Art showcases the work of French artists, artists living in France and art that responds to and reflects various elements of France. Known for producing some of the most ground-breaking and influential artists in recent times, France is a hotbed for art and culture. Explore the collection and discover new and original works from some of our leading artists on the platform. The History of French Art Many of the movements and styles that have characterised the recent history of the art world have been pioneered or developed in France. From Romanticism and Impressionism to Realism and Cubism, French figures, places and styles have had a big part to play in all the paintings collages and mixed media pieces created during this time. Cities and settings such as Paris and the southern coast have been home to some of the most famous moments in the history of art. Looking for art inspired by French artists? Explore our Monet and Matisse curated collections.


Curated by Cecile Martet

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