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Contemporary Artists

Discover contemporary artists from around the world and browse thousands of unique artworks. Rise Art is an online marketplace for hundreds of emerging and established contemporary artists, giving them a way to reach collectors and first-time art buyers alike. From here, you can learn more about every artist on our site. View their latest artworks, learn more about their backgrounds and enjoy photos posted from their studios. Browse the work of contemporary artists with complete peace of mind thanks to our free art advisory and 14 day returns.

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    Featured Artists
    showing 121-135 of 1,917

    Charlie Bobo

    B. 1954

    Fred Ingrams

    United Kingdom
    B. 1964

    Naomi Yuki

    B. 1970

    Hugo Pondz

    B. 1980

    Claire Cansick

    United Kingdom
    B. 1971

    Peter Mammes

    United Kingdom
    B. 1986

    Ines Klich

    B. 1961

    db Waterman

    B. 1962

    Joe Morris

    United Kingdom
    B. 1975

    Tabitha Soren

    United States
    B. 1967

    Kotaro Machiyama

    B. 1980

    Roy Lichtenstein

    United States
    B. 1923

    Dorota Jedrusik

    B. 1981

    Darren MacPherson

    United Kingdom
    B. 1969

    Marylin Cavin

    B. 1960