Marco Bigliazzi

Italian artist Marco Bigliazzi is an animated cartoon creator and painter.
Marco's mixed-media paintings are a series of invented city views.
Marco has directed several animated shorts and TV series, one of which is award-winning and on Netflix.

Italian artist Marco Bigliazzi is an animated cartoon creator and painter whose works tend to be of imaginary yet still plausible urban city spaces. A History of Arts graduate, the artist also teaches animation at the Alma Artis Academy in Pisa.

Marco Bigliazzi’s Career

Marco is quite the polymath; a writer, draughtsman, filmmaker and more, the artist is as prolific as his style is eclectic. He has directed several animated shorts and TV series which have been distributed all over the world, for example, the award-winning "Taratabong! The World of Meloditties" on Netflix. The artist has exhibited in Pisa and Rome, Italy, and Berlin, Germany.

Style and Practice

Marco's paintings are a series of invented city views. Blending acrylics with pastel, pencil, ink and more, he imagines buildings, courtyards, industrial zones and railroads, which he brings to life in a textured, sketch-like way. His paintings, like his cartoons, are animated by bold, block colours and energetic mark-making. He suffuses these pieces with dynamism, and an almost grainy quality suggestive of static, like a crackling cartoon film frame. Also integral to his artwork is the title, which acts not as a description of the piece but as another detail, a verbal part of the work.

Marco Bigliazzi Artworks

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