Discover abstract marble art for sale. Each and every piece in our collection had been chosen by us, making it easy for you to discover new art. Whether you’re looking for a monochrome marble piece, or fancy a vibrant multicolour painting, our selection of liquid art ranges from small scale acrylics to large scale oils, offering you an assortment of pieces to brighten up your wall.
Fintan Whelan works in earthy colours and dynamic shapes to create art that echoes the patterns of nature. Consisting of fluid swirls and translucent washes, Fintan’s mastery of oils results in large scale paintings that at once pull us in for a closer look. With a refined palette and a poetic use of the canvas, in paintings such as Soft Moon and Floating Atmosphere, Fintan creates pockets of detail amongst vast expanses of space. Fintan instils his art with a sense of direction and uses titles that refer to nature, thus injecting his art with a living energy.
Mark Chadwick on the other hand, rejects subtlety to create vibrant explosions of colour. Blurring the boundaries between the artist and the machine, between the intentional and the innate, Mark creates liquid art that evokes a multisensory experience. With a clear reference to Damien Hirst's spin art, Mark layers each and every piece to create an unparalleled textural quality.
A Brief History of Abstract Marble Art
The marbling technique originated in Japan in the 12th century. Originally using inks and water, marbling was coined ‘ink floating’ before being named ‘cloud art’ by the Turkish in the 15th century. The technique was developed in Turkey, where the materials were thickened, making it similar to how it is today. By the 16th century, marbling was being used across Europe, where it was treated as a craft that few were given access to. Mostly used for decorative book binding, marbling was not yet used in fine art, or treated as an art in its own right.
It was in the 1970s when marbling truly propelled into the mainstream of modern art. Still using traditional methods and exploring the reactions between materials and colours, today artists around the world use marbling in art. Mesmerising in both technique and appearance, abstract marbling remains unique in that the process is just as captivating as the art itself.
Find out more in our Guide To Abstract Art.