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Working from Home: Art and Wellbeing

As the world’s workforce get used to working from home, our Workplace & Interiors Curator, Helen Buckley, takes a look at how you can maximise your workspace to help improve your wellbeing and productivity.

By Rise Art

How to Work Well from Home

There are many tips out there on maintaining productivity while working from home – from actually getting out of your pyjamas in the morning, to ensuring your children are 'secured' before you hop on that important conference call (you can read the BBC’s full list of tips for working well from home here). However, for some people, mixing work and home environment could have some implications on your mental wellbeing, if not properly managed.


Monotype Group of Four by Renata Fernandez


Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing

While we are all trying to maintain as much semblance of reality as possible, it is crucial to take extra time to practice self care, exercise your body and mind and keep things in perspective. Stay off social media and news channels as much as possible, surround yourself with beauty and take the time to speak with your loved ones. You can view the World Health Organisation’s advice on looking after your mental health here.


Cosmic vibrations by Victoria Topping


How to Set Up Your Working Space

We spoke to Ergonomics expert Kirsty Angerer to get her top five tips on how to create a better working environment at home:

1. Find a space in the house where you can do focused work. Ideally somewhere away from your bedroom or where you rest. If this isn't possible, that's ok, choose a spot in the room and pack your work things away each day to acknowledge that space for working time, and when it is time for rest.

2. Create a good atmosphere. Add some plants around your workstation, make sure you can see your work properly and it isn't too dark or too bright. Add some background music and set yourself up so you can look outside and be part of nature. Make the space yours and add whatever you need to make it feel and look pleasant.


Boiling Pot by Susan Schmidt


3. Make sure you create good back support when seated. Add cushions or a rolled up towel if you need to give you additional support in the lower back. Try and sit upright but in a slightly reclined position. If possible, keep your feet planted on the floor as this creates a foundation for your posture.

4. If you are using a device like a laptop or tablet as your primary monitor you should ideally use these on a laptop stand with compact keyboard and mouse, so you can set your monitor at eye level and keep your keyboard and mouse close.

5. Take regular breaks. Two to three times per hour for 30 to 60 seconds is ideal, or at least five minutes every hour. This is probably the most important thing to do throughout the day. Move as much as you can. Take a phone call standing up. Move after every task you complete. Set a reminder in your calendar or download an app that reminds you to move like the Stand Up! app.

Kirsty offers an online course where you can learn more about your body and how best to interact with your environment wherever you’re working. Find out more here.


Garden of Earthly Delights by Ruth Mulvie


Art and Wellbeing

Art in the workplace has been shown in various studies to boost productivity, lower stress and increase wellbeing. Workers in offices displaying art are 30% more productive than those without and 80% feel art in the workplace improves wellbeing.

Managing the aesthetic dimensions of a workspace leads to positivity and the integration of art helps define and communicate a company’s identity and culture, which in turn is great for attracting and retaining talent.

We have created a collection of artworks aimed especially at enhancing your wellbeing in your home office.


Superluminal #36 by Corinne Natel

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