Self reflection

Paintings102.0 x 102.0 cm?
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Artwork physical size measured as height by width by depth. Artwork purchased with a frame will usually be 5cm (2.5in) longer in each dimension.

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Born in 1991 in the UK, Will Bentham is a young British artist who goes by the name of Lowdown. Combining Street Art sensibilities with a bold artistic style, Lowdown works with spray paint to create impressive Portrait Art. There’s a rawness to these Portrait Paintings, each of which demonstrates a strong sense of emotion in the subject’s expression and the colour palette used. Lowdown has a deep understanding of the zeitgeist of our time which he channels into all of his artwork, making use of Religious imagery and urban style. Subjects are captured with an intense, piercing gaze that seems to challenge the viewer, inviting them to engage with the work.

Lowdown and Street Art

Will Bentham is more than just your run-of-the-mill painter, he also works on large spray painted murals that can be found across the country, including in Manchester’s cool Northern Quarter. These Urban artworks take Lowdown out of the traditional gallery context and have earned him recognition on the street art scene.

Exhibitions and Shows

Lowdown has featured in several group and solo shows across the country, most notably at the Curious Duke gallery in London. Beginning as a pop up that claimed to be a kind of ‘anti-gallery’, Curious Duke is dedicated to showing the best Urban and Surreal artworks from up-and-coming artists.

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