Rise Art Roundup XVII
Rise Art Roundup XVII

Art News

Rise Art Roundup XVII

June has suddenly rolled around, and with it comes a host of exhilarating new exhibitions and events as well as exciting art world news. Tune in with the Rise Art Roundup.

By Rise Art | 09 Jun 2017

Trending Right Now

On the Blog Top Tips for the New Collector

Kickstart your art collection with these five hot tips from curator and writer Antoinette Williams. From sourcing artwork, to finding pieces that fit your budget, Antoinette provides valuable insight into the process of creating a collection. First-time buyers, don’t miss out! Find the feature on the blog.


Out and About with Rise Art

documenta 14 Athens

Our brand manager Katie Tsouros visited the documenta 14 exhibition at the EMST National Museum of Contemporary Art in Athens. The first ‘documenta’ exhibition took place in 1955, when painter and professor Arnold Bode founded The Society of Western Art of the 20th Century with the intention of presenting art that had been declared unsavoury by the Nazis. ‘documenta’ takes place every 4 years and showcases current trends and new, innovative modes of expression.


Rise Art News

Hampshire Views at Southampton City Art Gallery | Caroline Hall

Caroline’s impressive solo exhibition forms part of City Art Gallery’s ‘Recording the Region’ series, which invites local artists to present work that has been inspired by the surrounding area. Before pursuing a career in art, Caroline worked as a TV reporter and presenter at the BBC for more than a decade. This is a woman of many talents!


Inhabiting Words at Concord Art | Julia Csekö

Julia’s ‘Horny Corny Obsessive’ series features in this exciting Boston-based show that explores the intersection of image and language. Her bold, colourful gel pen drawings incorporate text in fun, witty ways. Find works from this series here.


Sensations at Garcilaso Space Gallery (Spain) | Luis Medina Manso

Luis’s solo exhibition at the Garcilaso Space Gallery has just closed, and what a sensation it was! You can relive the show in the artist’s new book, ‘Sensaciones’, which catalogues works from this exhibition as well as paintings displayed in previous shows.


Reoriented | Michelle Loa Kum Cheung

Michelle Loa Kum Cheung has been busy completing another residency at the A-Side B-Side Gallery in London. The residency will culminate with a collaborative exhibition between two emerging artists on Thursday 22nd June, so don’t miss the chance to view her beautiful, bespoke works in the flesh.


Art World Happenings

The Most Popular Art Exhibition Ever | The Serpentine Gallery

Yesterday marked the opening of Grayson Perry’s hotly anticipated exhibition at the Serpentine. The Most Popular Art Exhibition Ever! features an exciting body of new work from this irreverent artist. Expect the provocative… Admission is free.


2017 Summer Exhibition | The Royal Academy

This year marks the 244th Summer Exhibition at London’s prestigious RA. It is the globe’s biggest open-submission exhibition, showcasing over a thousand artworks by artists established and emergent. It makes a fantastic afternoon out, so don’t miss it. The exhibition runs from 13 June to 20 August.


The Summer Edit | Browse the Collection

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