Natasha Lelenco


Natasha Lelenco, born in Chișinău, Moldova in 1982, is a Moldovan painter and contemporary artist based in Spain since 2008. Orphaned at a young age, Lelenco's biography is marked by her experience as a foreigner. She is known for her figurative work, particularly portraiture, and holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania.

Lelenco's art has been exhibited in multiple exhibitions across Europe and America. Notable exhibitions include the I Trienal de Tijuana in Mexico, The Nordart International Art Exhibition in Büdelsdorf, Germany and the Latino Arts Project at the Irving Museum & Archives in Texas. Her approach to art is primarily figurative, with a strong focus on the human form. She explores themes of identity, self-awareness, and the role of chance in shaping life's value.

Her artistic journey has led to the creation of several self-contained series where narrative and format works together. These series often feature a playful mix of repetition, color contrasts, and intentional deformations aimed at capturing psychological realism with a selective use of the elements and resources available in her studio.

A recurring motif in her art is the use of panels, where repetitive representations weave a narrative. This repetition, especially in the portrayal of faces, highlights a world characterized by seriality. Through her thoughtful exploration of these themes, Lelenco offers a unique perspective on the human condition.

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