16. Sept. 2021 — 19. Sept. 2021


St Mary's Works, Norwich


TBA Artist Collective and Guests
Rules and rituals are under upheaval all over the world. In the West, there is much talk of airport rules: you can drink in the morning, take naps throughout the day and eat a steak dinner at 5am. Both the global pandemic and the locomotive advances of climate disaster have made plain the arbitrary terms under which our existence is organised.

On a national level, a no-deal Brexit looms and promises of freedom to develop new international trade deals is shaping up to look more like piracy and a future of goods that have fall off the back of a principality than a global utopia of luxury consumption. The UK government has promised its citizens a period of making up our own rules, while simultaneously creatives are told to write themselves out of the British economy altogether and we are gleefully reminded that there is no place for the arts in the new normal.

​On an even more local level still, but by no means less important to the citizens of and surrounding NR3, redevelopment and repurposing is also planned for Anglia Square.

​Where better, then, to establish an artist hub, a corner of Norwich where we make rules based on creativity, kindness and community. We aim to manifest, however small, a state of resistance among the broader conditions around which we feel less and less in control; a beacon in which to organise and herald an alternative future.

TBA Artist Collective invite proposals for contributions to a new exhibition entitled Embassy. Works respond to ideas of citizenship, municipality, nationhood and the priorities for nurturing creativity as a social and political necessity.

Datum und Uhrzeit

Do., 16. September 2021 - So., 19. September 2021
10:00 - 15:00


St Mary's Works
NR3 3AF Norwich

Regionale Einstellungen

Metrisch (cm, kg)