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06 mars 2020 — 06 avr. 2020

Black, White & More

116 EAST BROAD STREET , Greenville, SC
exposition individuelle


"Michael Pannier of The SE Center for Photography, in Greenville, SC asked me to jury an exhibition called “Black & White.” We both agree that this theme would be more interesting if interpreted in a multitude of ways than just an exhibition of monochromatic images. Of course, submitting photographs that are black and white are acceptable answers to this call. But what if submissions went further still.

When one “spells something out in black and white” what does that mean? Can a color photograph communicate that concept of “no ambiguity”? When we see things in black and white can a color photograph describe a state of mind that won’t be changed? For sure, but so can a black & white image.

“White & Black” are also thought of as opposites. In physics, black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of visible light.

In chess what is the meaning of the black and white playing pieces? I’ve heard it said the white piece indicates who plays first. And what of the hero and villain of U.S. Western genre film of the 1920 -1940’s. Are there other parallels you can make?

Above are just a few thoughts to start the thinking process towards unique answers to the “Black & White” call. Photographers see the world in original and fluid ways. We know your answers to the call will not disappoint.

So what really is black and white and [red] all over? I hope to find out in this juried call.”

-Paula Tognarelli

Date et heure

ven. 6 mars 2020 - lun. 6 avril 2020


29601 Greenville, SC
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