Sans titre 6

Paintings70.0 x 50.0 cm?
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Stéphane Paillot

Stéphane Paillot's plastic research is starting from a "sensitive reality", a concept that has become a concept thanks to Aristotle. Beings and objects are compounds of matter, a substrate material of change. This matter evolves, it has its own life and develops with poetry relationships with its environment.
This poetry proposed by mineral or organic matter, sometimes raw, fragmented, broken or burned says and offers as many possible stories. Accompanied by the artist's gesture, these stories are available to our gaze. Impermanence becomes musicality.
"My work with matter is a silent and patient dialogue, instinctive and sensory. I like matter for its own qualities, the stories that it reveals to me when I apprehend it with my hands. A look is sometimes enough. I 'Likes the life she gives us thus, this magic from her intrinsic evolution ". -Stéphane Paillot

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