Improvisation 14

Paintings80.0 x 80.0 cm?
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Marc Dannaud

Marc Dannaud exercised for 20 years the profession of interior architect: from 2008, he returned to artistic practice in parallel with his work and is fully devoted to artistic creation from 2017. Since 2014, he has devotes almost exclusively to the creation of murals on order. Since 2017, he has developed an exclusive protocol of artistic performances with collectives.
"In contrast to my abstract work of frescoes or collective performances which aim for the representation of a shared intelligible story, the series of" improvised figurations "started in the fall of 2021 and which I propose here for the first time, are Figurative works which are freed from all intentional contexts and narrations. Each work is improvised as and when, without preliminary vision or preparatory or model sketch. Around a first figure, the other figures, colors and contrasts s' invite freely according to my desires and intuitions. They are not discussed in terms of meanings and I try not to prohibit me. It is not necessary to seek a logical meaning whether symbolic or unconscious: The "bizarre" is not sought as such but arises interactions between sometimes unexpected figures/contrasts. The meaning of each work is to be found by looking at him by associating these scraps according to his heart. The objective is to explore the process of constitution of a narration which would be guided only by purely pictorial imperatives and to observe the result as well as the impact on those who see them.
I would like these "pictorial improvisations" to be able to end through the restitution that future buyers can make. If they accept it, they will have the mission to give the official title of the work (currently simply numbered) and to write their own comment that I will validate as being definitively associated with the work. Thus the narrative, contextual and relational functions, specific to any work of art such as I hear it in my work as an artist, will be respected and accomplished. "Marc Dannaud

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