
Paintings50.0 x 50.0 cm?
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Catherine Guinot

Artist at heart, Catherine Guinot decides to become a professional artist after a serious sports accident. For a suspended time, she lives inside her elongated body, she observes her cells, her tissues, her flows, feels her fragile connections to be remaked. At mid way between hyper conscience and dream, gestures and colors are found and allow it to rebuild.
Mediums, supports and subjects dialogue, mingle and interfere, harmony or cacophony, it lets the instinct take its beautiful part which sometimes the guide, sometimes the bridle but always with a view to an experiment, a pictorial exploration.
Each style of painting by Catherine Guinot has her story. Mixed paintings are aerial views, satellite shots of galactic or psychic landscapes ... Another way of observing matter. The stripes tell the story of a multiple healing, light waves, colored and bloody flows.

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