
Paintings90.0 x 90.0 cm?
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Gilles Grimon

Born in Paris in 1955, an early designer Gilles Gimon trained in the Deco arts (ENSAD) from the age of seventeen, before staying at the Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris.
After a 35-year career in Paris as an illustrator for the Magazine press (Le Point, L’Obs, Marie-Claire ...), publishing and communication, he decided 12 years ago to devote himself solely to painting. After staying in London and Milan, he has lived for ten years in Provence.
He notably exhibited in Milan, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Miami and New York. His approach incorporates a principle of visual disruption resulting from optical art research. Each of his paintings represents the same bunk portrait several times.
With each overlap, the portrait changes color and pattern: the portrait is the pattern and the pattern is the portrait. The gaze then simultaneously perceives a frame and a volume, and from this optical contradiction is born a vibration. As for its technique, it is classic: oil paint on canvas, with colors that it makes itself.

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