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Sandra Obel

Born in 1973, Sandra Obel is a German painter based in Heidelberg. In her colourful paintings, she expresses her love for nature and the life that takes place in it. For Sandra, colour is emotion, a feeling that runs throughout her work. Sandra makes art for people who want to live their lives with serenity and ease. She creates powerful and expressive displays by merging vivid colours, floral imagery, bold lines and graphic elements, building up a sense of momentum. By translating emotion and passion onto her canvases, she delivers meaningful reflections of how she perceives the natural world. Her art is a reminder to embrace the fullness of life every day and to feel joy and ease in doing so.

Sandra has exhibited in group and solo shows throughout Germany, where she currently lives and works in Ladenburg. Several major German news publications, in print and digital, have featured Sandra’s work.

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